Drama - "Stage Right"

The Remote
By Dave Marsh - Drama - Aug 26, 2024
A drama about obeying your parents. Director's Notes: I love old Twilight Zone episodes. So, I wrote this drama as if the mom has a magical remote. It's pretty wacky but gets it's point across. BTW, I borrowed the ending from the Simpsons... Cast: Beth: Mom Diane: Beth's daughter Rod Serling: Someone talking into a mike. Props: A remote Boombox (prop only) 3 songs (1 heavy metal, 1 Johnny Mathis or the like, and 1 Beatles) Twilight Zone theme (you can find this on the net) Couch (or 2 chairs put together) Setting: Inside ...
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Christianity 500m
By Dave Marsh - Drama - March 12, 2024
. Director's Notes: This drama has an Olympics theme and focuses on how we can't judge others by what we perceive with our own eyes. This includes people we know (a person at church for example) or ones we don't but have "heard" about (like Amy Grant.) We are only accountable to God for our own walk with Him, not others' walks. Living the Christian life and being knocked down and judged by the world is hard enough, let alone when that abuse comes from within the church. This drama also touches on the fact that the walk with the Lord is supposed to be simple. ...
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I Got Me No Job
By Dave Marsh - Drama - Feb 06, 2024
. Director's Notes: This is the closing drama for a stewardship series. The following sketches (I got me a job, I got me some bills and I got me no time) precede this drama. If you've read a lot of my stuff, you know that I don't get very preachy but this ending seemed to wrap things up nicely without getting to schmarmy :) Cast: Dave: An average man Teri: Dave's wife Lucas: Their son Isabelle: Their daughter Props: A chair CD of cool music (I used the Superman theme. You can grab it <a href="http://www.dave-marsh.com/dramas/audio/superman.mp3"targe...
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I Got Me Some Bills
By Dave Marsh - Drama - Feb 01, 2024
. Director's Notes: We've all heard that Jesus talks more about money than any other single subject. Why? Because if there's anything that we keep our hands clenched around it's money. If we can trust God with our kids and our future, why can't we trust Him with our resources? This drama can also be used in a stewardship series as part 2. Cast: Dave: An average man Teri: Dave's wife Props: Some bills A chair A desk A laptop (if available) Mop Laundry Drill and safety glasses Setting: Home office (LIGHTS UP CENTER STAGE) Dave: H...
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Born again and again...
By Dave Marsh - Drama - Jan 29, 2024
A drama about salvation.. Director's Notes: I've known a number of people who have become a Christian a dozen times. Well, they think they have. When someone comes to know Christ, it's  a joyous experience but following Christ is a long distance run (as I previously mentioned.) What happens when we 'lose that feeling' we had when we first became saved? When we are simply walking with Him through the highs and the lows? We need to be confident that God is working in us and He's not going anywhere :)   Cast: Katie: A woman seeking assurance. Jo...
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I Got Me a Job
By Dave Marsh - Drama - Jan 15, 2024
. Director's Notes: This is the setup drama for a stewardship series. The following sketches (I got me some bills, I got me no time, and I got me no job) will show that we need to make sure that we give God charge of our time, treasures and talents. Cast: Dave: An average man Teri: Dave's wife Lucas: Their son Isabelle: Their daughter Props: A chair CD of happy music (I used the "Peanuts" theme - Lucy and Linus) Setting: Home (LIGHTS UP CENTER STAGE) Dave: Teri! Teri! Where are you! Teri: (offstage) I’m upstairs! Dave: W...
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By Dave Marsh - Drama - Dec 14, 2023
A drama about God pursuing the lost. Director's Notes: God pursues lost people with a vengence. He cares about us so much that He will passionately seek us out to bring us home. This drama shows the difference between how God might pursue us (Donna) and how we humans normally view the lost (Jim). Cast: Donna: A good shepherd Jimmy: A not-so-good shepherd Props: 2 staffs (staves?) A laptop computer a bag (to hold the laptop) A picture of a field (projected behind them if possible) Ambient field noizes (if possible) Setti...
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Dear Mr. Johnson
By Dave Marsh - Drama - Dec 05, 2023
A drama about putting off the old self and putting on the new. Director's Notes: Petra once did a song called "Killing My Old Man." The song was based on the idea from Ephesians 4 which calls believers to "put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts..." Paul then tells us to "put on the new man which was created according to God, in righteousness and true holiness." Sometimes I write dramas that hit close to home. This is one such drama. Why is it that, as a Christian, I continue to allow the old ...
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I Got Me No Time
By Dave Marsh - Drama - Nov 21, 2023
. Director's Notes: Let's face it - we're too busy. Steven Curtis Chapman sings a song about the "busyman." The Bible says that a man dies and leaves behind all his busy activities. Sometimes when I write a drama, God uses it first and foremost in my own life. There are a few laughs in this one but that's about it. Nothing really funny about this subject. I ended it as I'm apt to do - the Everyman can't make up his mind as the lights fade... This drama can also be used in a stewardship series as part 3. Cast: Dave: A workaholic Dad Lucas: Dave's Son <p...
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The Box
By Dave Marsh - Drama - Oct 31, 2023
A drama about using your talents for God. Director's Notes: When I lived in Chicago and went to my favorite pizzeria, I always took note of a photo on the wall of the 1906 Chicago Cubs. Okay, I just didn't take note of it, I was fascinated by it. The photo shows that the stands were packed with tens of thousands of people and the ball players stood on the field in front of them. I wondered how many of those people lived their lives for Christ and how many of them wanted to make an eternal impact on this world. When Ray asked me to write something about using o...
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