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Simplicity or Complexity
Many worship leaders are quite perplexed at the troubled relationship between skill and artistic expression in the church. How much weight should be placed on skill in the context of corporate worship? This often depends....more
Jonathan Jones 2025-01-15 General Worship
Uninhibited Worship
Many of us are familiar with the story of David dancing naked in 2 Samuel. While this may seem like a problem for many of us in the context of corporate worship, we must understand the heart behind this. David even said ....more
Jonathan Jones 2025-01-07 General Worship
Excellence in Church Music Ministry
Psalm 33:3 tells us to sing a new song to the Lord and to play skillfully. If we are not careful, we can abandon this calling; yes, it is indeed a calling, particularly for worship leaders. There is also a call many plac....more
Jonathan Jones 2025-01-01 General Worship
Introducing New Music
It is difficult to introduce new music to a church no matter what setting you are in. This is likely why many worship leaders try to avoid it altogether and resort to using only familiar music. New music is a crucial asp....more
Jonathan Jones 2024-12-25 General Worship
Time Limits for corporate Worship?
As a worship leader, I have often struggled with the question of timing or length of the service. I am sure I am not alone in that. How long is too long? Likewise, how short is too short? The answers would vary from one ....more
Jonathan Jones 2024-12-17 General Worship
Benefits of Singing the Psalms in Worship
For good reason, the book of Psalms is often referred to as the hymnal of Israel. Indeed, the text of the Psalms were sung by God’s people and have continued to be utilized in corporate worship contexts for centuries. Ch....more
Jonathan Jones 2024-11-12 General Worship
Sing a New Song to the Lord
In the text of Scripture, we see unequivocal commands to sing a new song to the Lord. Psalms 96, 98, and 149 all begin with such a command, and likewise, we see reference to a new song in Psalm 33:33 and Isaiah 42:10. A....more
Jonathan Jones 2024-07-24 General Worship
Distraction or Discomfort
As a worship leader, I often engage in discussions about distraction in worship. It is not uncommon for someone to tell me something like the following: nothing that happens in corporate worship should be a distraction. ....more
Jonathan Jones 2024-07-03 General Worship
Seamless Flow
As worship leaders, we often have flow in mind when designing the most biblically relevant and precise worship services possible. What is meant by flow is the progression of events and sacred acts within the context of c....more
Jonathan Jones 2024-05-20 General Worship
Going Against the Grain
Within the past ten years, I have heard much talk about the keys worship songs and hymns are set in. Perhaps it was going on before the past ten years, but it seems to have been amplified recently. There are many reasons....more
Jonathan Jones 2023-05-02 General Worship
Avoiding Complacency in Worship Leadership
Something I deal with as a worship leader and pastor is complacency. I relate to worship ministry, but no matter which ministry context you are in, sooner or later, complacency can be a great temptation, and if we are no....more
Jonathan Jones 2023-02-21 General Worship
A Biblical Model of Worship
Worship is a sacred dialogue. It is humankind’s response to a holy God. He alone is the initiator, and man is the responder. Worship in its most basic sense is glorifying God. This certainly implies that all of life is w....more
Jonathan Jones 2022-12-08 General Worship
Worship as an Act of Mercy
We are privileged to worship God through Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit both corporately and individually. We come directly to God on his terms and are not separated by a curtain; nor do we have to go t....more
Jonathan Jones 2022-12-05 General Worship
Incorporating Liturgy in a Modern Context
In recent years, there has been sort of a return to liturgy in the church. When the church took move away from liturgy in the 20th century, many in younger generations are seeking a return to it. I find that the older I ....more
Jonathan Jones 2022-11-17 General Worship
Choirs in Modern Worship
The trend is to get rid of the choir. They’re of no use, no significance, and certainly not relevant to what we need in modern worship right? This might be the assumption of many congregants and even worship leaders in o....more
Jonathan Jones 2022-11-16 General Worship
Jonathan Jones
Jonathan Jones 2014-07-15 General Worship
Jonathan Jones
Jonathan Jones 2014-07-14 General Worship
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