Charlestown United Protestant Church Catonsville, MD Posted: February 04, 2025
Job Information:
Job Title: Co-Pastor Overview of Charlestown United Protestant Church We are looking for a Co-Pastor to serve a Protestant Church and congregation. Our membership is drawn mainly from the Charlestown Retirement Community near Baltimore MD consisting of ~2,000 residents aged sixty and older of various denominations. Our "Faith Statement" is "Reaching out with God's Love, Celebrating Life in Jesus Christ" with emphasis on providing a meaningful relationship between members of Charlestown United Protestant Church and residents in developing their relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Job Description Charlestown United Protestant Church is looking for a God-called Christian individual who can lead our church with conviction, vision, and humility. An ideal candidate has experience: > Preaching and Teaching > Performing Rites and Holding Services > Overseeing Administrative Functions of the Church This candidate needs to be a biblically faithful teacher who can relate to people. We are looking for a Co-Pastor who believe the Bible is God inspired especially as stated in 1 Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-4
List of Educational Qualifications We are seeking a Co-Pastor who has graduated from an accredited [Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada] seminary and hold orders through a recognized denomination to minister to an active senior population from various backgrounds.
Experience > Administrator to Church staff and office personnel. > Work cooperatively with another pastor.
How to Apply We are glad you are interested in applying for this position, please forward a Resume and References (3) to Charlestown United Protestant Church Search Committee at: CUPCSEARCH2022@GMAIL.COM.
CO-PASTOR EXPECTATIONS MINISTERIAL TASKS PREACHING Preach, plan and lead Worship services as necessary VISITATION Visitation on campus, including Assisted Living and Continued Care Visitation to area hospitals (as needed) Schedule visits to residents in Independent Living *Visits include all Protestants with focus on current members *Visits to potential new members FUNERALS, WEDDINGS AND BAPTISMS Conduct services for members and Charlestown Residents as requested ADDITIONAL CLERGY FUNCTIONS Participate in special and ecumenical services coordinated by Pastoral Care. Examples: Good Friday, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Services. MANAGERIAL TASKS CHURCH Co-Pastor Position is a part-time position (20-24 hours) ? Meet Monthly with Vestry to discuss the business of the Church as defined by CUPC By-Laws * Meet regularly with the other co-pastor ? Coordinate with Music Director and Pastoral Care Staff for Worship Bulletins ? Oversight of Worship functions: Ushers, Lectors/Liturgists, Worship setup OFFICE Coordinate with Catholic Clergy operations of Pastoral Care Be available to meet with "walk-ins" during normal Pastoral Care hours Prepare quarterly newsletter for CUPC Acquire working knowledge of computer system used in the office
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