Total Drum Cage

By EXW Staff
January 27, 2025

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It's rare that our team at EXW gets really excited about a product for worship. There are a ton of products out with several different companies manufacturing them. Some are better than others. Rarely do you see a company develop a product that is so far ahead of anything on the market. We have featured products similar to this in the past, but, nothing comes close to what we found in this product.

The Total Drum Cage is by far the best drum shield on the market for a host of reason.

1. Lets begin with why we use drum shields. Depending on which model you purchase, up to a db reduction of 27. Drum shield are designed to keep the noise contained. These shields do just that.

2. Design. Ok, this is the coolest cage on the market. No panels to stick together that fall apart when you move them. No stacking sound absorption material on the top and walls. With the Total Drum Cage and proper lighting, you can actually see the drum kit and the drummer. Clean concept. Round front design is less likely reflect light directly. Great for churches who stream live and/or don't like to blind people due to light reflection. Lastly, the round glass front helps reduce sound slap back inside the cage. There are no flat surfaces for sound to reflect on making it a better environment for miking and recording.

3. Models for all budgets. They have 3 models. The 100, the 300, and the 500 series. .

4. Additional options such as their ventilation system and floor system will complete any package.

In short, we give the Total Drum Cage the EXW pick of the year! We all know drums are one of the biggest issues in the church when it comes to doing contemporary music. The Total Drum Cage's design and functionality make it not only a great cage for music, but a pleasing visual casing for drums that will enhance your worship experience by eliminating the distraction of an ugly drum cage. And you will actually be able to see who is drumming each week.

Total Drum Cage will be at this years National Worship Leader conference in Dallas at Bent Tree Bible Church on Sep 30 - Oct 2. Stop and their booth and tell them sent you.

For more information, Total Drum Cage

Related Links:

The Total Drum Cage Website
National Worship Leader Conference

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