Dying for Their Faith

By EXW Staff
January 08, 2025

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People are dying today for their faith. What are you doing? Is it hard to worship this day knowing that fellow believers, although not like us, across the oceans are being massacred? Dying for their faith? My heart breaks!

It is hard for me...for many reasons. We live in the U.S.A. No chance of that happening to us right? No one at our door threatening to execute us for our faith in God.

Today my worship becomes more precious...more meaningful. The images are not written 2000 plus years ago in the Bible, a book which I cherish as the truth…things we can only imagine and say "wow". It is happening today! On the news and the on internet. We can now see the things that Paul and Peter experienced first hand…people dying for what they believe in. No longer do we need to imagine what it was like. We can now witness first hand…if we are willing.

What do you truly believe? Is it worth dying for?

Pray hard for those who believe and are being persecuted. Worship with hearts that stretch beyond our "small" world to a place of suffering. Pray for those who this very day may give their life for the gospel.

We are in the last days! How will you spend them? Living the same old life or loving people where you live to bring them to the place of salvation, no matter the cost.

"My reputation, fear of rejection and self worth mean nothing if one person chooses to spend eternity with God”.

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